He bounced his already large body up & down like a Baby Huey in excitement. Deyanna sat up on her hind legs to offer a perfect movie star paw wave & Gypsy sang out a hearty chorus of roo-roo-roo-roo's. I moved to take the stockings down but noticed that Harvest had disappeared. I called, "where'd ya go buddy?" He came bounding back into the room with his favorite toy -- a stuffed pink pig -- in his mouth. He sat that toy upright on its legs then used his nose to push Piggy forward towards the tree! He was sharing with his buddy! We gave the dogs their stockings & wrapped toys to let them tear open as they pleased. As Harvest pulled each item out of his stocking he paused with it in his mouth to show it first to Piggy.
To me, that was one of the coolest Christmas' ever!
-- Tree