Thursday, January 31, 2013

He thinks he knows me

He thinks he knows me!? Valentine's Day jewelry commercial plays, "Oh that's pretty. Not that I'm dropping any hints though... seriously."
He says, "Oh I know. Diamond jewelry isn't the thing for you."
 A moment of silence went past before I questioned, "Really?"
He replied, "Uh-huh," then crossed his arms, sitting back on the sofa.
 "So what IS the big ticket kind of item for me, Mr. Knows-it-all?"
 Without even looking at me he said, "electron microscope with a camera attatchment".
OK, I'm seriously impressed!

I Love you in scrabble tiles, photo by Tree Pruitt

Balto Walking

With each degree the temp drops our little dog loves it more! I just got in from playing "Balto" for our evening walk; Sparky is small but SO strong on a leash it's amazing! He should pull a sled! Freezing, but fun mushing our way up the sidewalk. :)

This face couldn't ever be a bad dog... Sparky Pruitt wearing an "I'm glad you thought what I did was funny instead of bad" smile.

parky Pruitt wearing an "I'm glad you thought what I did was funny instead of bad" smile

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

key to happiness

Enjoyed an image reading as... "The bad news: There is no key to happiness. The good news: It isn't locked."

- unknown

Victorian era crossed keys clip art

Strong Bob Marley Quote

"You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." - Bob Marley

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winston Churchill Quote

Simple and to the point... "when you are going through hell... keep going." Winston Churchill

Domestic Cats Kill

Study: Domestic Cats Kill Billions Of Birds And Mammals Each Year : NPR. Cats gone wild! I've been observing big changes in my micro-climate with the increase of feral & abandoned cats, so this story really caught my attention. The rabbits & songbirds are gone in a year after the arrival here of 2 very skilled c...ats. Even groundhog dens nearby are filling in because house cats raised with other pets aren't afraid to confront a dog sized rodent; They are also smart enough to avoid cat traps. So in turn, the number of hawk and bald eagle sitings have decreased and the messy little brown bird numbers seem to have grown. Without as many seed-eating birds the weeds begin to overgrow unkempt yards which increases allergy threats and lowers property values... and the effects go on. I do feel this is an issue that many places need to take a more serious look at... beyond the threat of spreading rabies and the like. There is a bigger impact to an overall bottom line and health of a neighborhood that is effected by feral pets... especially cats

Monday, January 28, 2013

Coffee Tsunami

 LOL I got excited looking at science data... oh look at that! So gestured with a pointy finger to the screen. Have you ever done such a good job of knocking over a cup of coffee that a shower was required? I'll be checking that one off my list when I get dried off. BRB! LOL! I may need to stop taking sugar in my coffee or at least pour smaller cups. :)

Later that evening...

Well that could've been worse -- thank goodness the keyboard and mouse survived the tsunami of coffee as it washed over the desk! It was a big fresh mug of chaos LOL! All hail the wonders of Mr. Clean, which has left the whole room smelling fresh (instead of like stinky old coffee), because I had to wipe nearly the whole room down! :)


Today I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for the feeling of free movement & general safety. My thanks again to all who prayed for our "home" environment to improve! It was so great to be able to just open the door & take my dog out without there being terrible human behavior right at the door; The bad people all moved away! It happened so often before that there's a big brown spot worn in the grass where people used to fight close enough to splatter blood & creepy-man would stand in the yard with his arms crossed to stare inside. It was chilly today but I chose to enjoy fresh air by having the door open, & I could do that because no one was letting children shoot BB guns into my home to try to hit the pets inside, no one was grabbing at my clothes, nor yelling threatening profanity into my home, no one was scream-beating their kids or pets. It's gone and IT IS NOT WELCOME BACK: May they find healing elsewhere! Now without nearly 24/7 disturbances of violence I can heal, meditate well, and possibly begin to discover who this 41 year old Tree is going to grow into. Not every day is perfect but they are all better! /\ Namaste!

separation being only an illusion

The oldest living organism in the world is a single grove of Quaking Aspen trees in Utah... Basically a single organism... aren't we somewhat like the Aspen with our roots reaching down connecting with each other and our branches stretching out to the Sun, with separation being only an illusion? ♥

Saturday, January 26, 2013

To be fully seen

“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow - this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.”

~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Friday, January 25, 2013

Helping Nature

"If you love nature you often want to protect it and take care of it." Every little bit helps not only Nature but your own living environment too! It's simple to put a plastic grocery bag in your coat pocket. Then, when you're out walking the dog, playing with the kids, or on your way to the car pick up a few ...bits of litter with the bag. Hold it over your hand like a glove and you won't even need to touch anything. Tie it shut with a snug loop then add to the next rubbish bin you see. When you get home put a new bag in your pocket before hanging up your coat. An added bonus is that even though a plastic bag doesn't take up much room in your pocket it will add a big extra warm spot for fingers on a cold Winter day! :)

New Years Resolution

The closest thing I have to a New Years resolution is to allow myself periods of calm inactivity because I know that the true active times will be improved, causing energy to better flow. Though my body may seem inactive at times my mind and spirit are busy growing with change.

The below image reads as...
Charles Darwin: "A man who dares waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life."

Modern Shamanism: "A man who tries to waste any amount of time has not learned the impossibilities in life."

Winter Cuddle

Transmuted that yucky weather to a good time! Been too cold to play outside or go anywhere that isn't vital so my husband was stuck at home for a rare 2 days off in a row when there's not much of anything left on the honey-do list. We managed to find things to do though ;)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spoiled the New Cat

"Any time you might consider running out the door after a birdie", I said to Gabby, "I want you to remember this moment. The outside world will never give you Betty Crocker Cream Cheese Frosting." She only purred while continuing to lick the spoon; the perks of being a house cat! :)

Gabby reshaping a kitchen rug